Well, what a lovely week it's been! I'm on the last day of a lovely week's holiday, we went down to Cornwall and stayed in a caravan in Perranporth, which was lovely, although windy at times (being on top of a hill by the sea in a glorified tin can)There were moments when I preyed the chains holding down the caravan would hold on, or we would have flying through the air like Dorothy's house in the Wizard of Oz.
Of course, David and Joesph were wax lyrical about the fact that Saturday was definitely the best day weather wise, how they'd sat on the beach and built sandcastles and generally frolicked. I missed that day of the holiday, being at the Glitter Pot, but I also had a wonderful day, covered in craft goodies (and maybe taking a few home with me too ;).
We packed in quite a lot over the week, and mostly the weather was kind to us, I only think it spotted down with rain for about ten minutes once, and that can't be bad for a British Holiday in May. However, without a doubt in my mind, the highlight - the shining moment for me was visiting the sleepy, but utterly stunning little by the sea village of Post Isaac. I have wanted to visit this part of Cornwall for some time now, and I got my chance. In fact, sad as it may sound for a village that's about the size of a football field, with only a scattering of quaint little boutiques and nick nacky stores, I visited twice - once with David and Joseph - and again on my own (I knew David couldn't hold back that look of boredom for a second time).
The Harbour at Port Isaac

Look at that gorgeous sea!
So why was there a uncontrollable magnetising force to visit this unspoilt sea side haven, you may ask? well apart for it being utterly beautiful etc etc, it's also where one of my favourite programmes of all time - Doc Martin is filmed. And Guess What. They were there. Filming. While we were there. OMG.

Doc Martins House/Surgery
Hellooo Doc, are you there?
View from Doc Martins Surgery (I know he's not real, but he's a lucky beggar all the same.)

Okay, so I didn't get to see anything, as they were filming inside at the rear of Miss Glasson's house, but we could see the filming lights and we heard them shout 'CUT!' And I didn't get to see Martin Clunes (who, by the way I find dead droppingly gorgeous as the Doc), but just the thought that he may have walked round the corner and given me one of his grumpy looks was enough for me. That's probably why (well, okay - it IS) the reason I went back; to try and catch a glimpse of the Doc in the flesh so to speak, and maybe even have a photograph with him, and a bit of a chat...but when I went on the second visit, even thought the weather was better than the first day there, there were no signs of filming movement at all.

'Cup Cakes' Cafe
We had lunch in a gorgeous little cafe called 'Cup Cakes', which we found tucked down a windy little side street. and it was heaven just walking around the narrow paths and streets, taking in the laid back lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the tourist traps. To say this place is on TV, it was surprisingly quiet - however, this is the start of the summer season, and I can imagine it a lot busier at the height of summer.

It really made my holiday to visit Port Isaac (can you tell?), and I can't seem to get the memory of it out of my head. You know when you have a impression of a place, but when you get there, you're let down, well, this was completely the opposite for me. If you ever do get the chance to visit, please do take it- you will not be disappointed. I will definitely be visiting again, and maybe next time I'll get a chance to meet the Doc and touch him - for real (I think I've lost it!).
Be back later - hope you enjoyed looking a the photos!
Love, Clare x