Hi there!
Sorry for my long absence - I really have missed blogging over the past few days, but no matter how I try and post short snappy posts, it never really happens, and before I know it an hour has gone past and I haven't got on with what I should be doing!
Friday's show went very well, and it was great to spend the evening before with my best friend Sheila
Halliwell. After our shows we went for a spot of lunch and the recently opened
Peterborough Garden Park, and it was really lovely, although very hot - I would stick my neck out to say that it felt like the hottest day of the year so far! I SO need a car with air con {and a bigger boot, but that's another subject altogether - don't even get me started on that one!}.
So when I got back home on Friday, did I kick back and enjoy a glass of vino? No, I had to start getting ready for the local summer fayre -
I was having a stall and I had done virtually nothing to be ready for it - and there was so much I wanted to do. I stayed up until 4am....FOUR AM! I seriously think I should have my nonce looked at sometimes! When I couldn't keep my eyes open or my back from causing me pain any longer I
crawled into bed, only to
have to be up for 8am to reserve my table and get ready for the day. I had also promised the organisers I would do some make and takes so at the eleventh hour I was running around like a headless chicken collecting this and that to make up a 'make a card' table. I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attack I was so uptight!
So, to cut a long story short {'TOO LATE' I hear you shout!} the day went really well, and a pretty penny was raised for charity, so
all's well that ends well. Here are just a few snaps of the day.

Here's the lovely Michelle with her cupcake business {The
Lincolnshire Cupcake Company} with her
scrummy cakes, and a new addition to her fantastic cake designs - her egg boxes! Aren't they just amazing!

This is the lovely Emma {*waves*} HI Emma!!! I told you I'd put this photo on my blog! Emma doesn't normally dress like a Pirate - well not in public any way. She was manning the hidden treasure stall, you know - where you choose a square and if the treasure is hidden underneath it, then you win the treasure - in this case a metal detector - how cool is that! Also on the
piccy is her lovely husband and her gorgeous little boy - he really is such a sweetheart, always with a smile!
Now, today we've done a show with the lovely Martyn - what a one to keep me on my toes! I promised some sneeky peek behind the scenes photographs, but as of yet I haven't had a chance to get any - it's just in and out {of the studio!}. All I managed to get was one of me just after I had finished setting out my wares {taken my myself, hence missing part of my face} and then one of Martyn and I straight after the hour, and I mean straight after - about 15 seconds to be precise. It's a little out of focus, taken by magic hands - also known as shaky hands in this instance, but it's still a lovely piccy all the same.

Half past seven in the morning, and I've been up for two hours...spot the blood shot eyes?!

I've my last hour tomorrow {for this week at least} at 2pm, so I'll try to get some more
sneeky snaps then. They've been decorating the green room, and hopefully that will be finished tomorrow so I'm told.
Whoo Hoo!
So until next time, stay out of trouble, or at least don't get caught!