Ooo, I hate it when I've been away from my blog now for a couple of days - now that I've got back into it of course! It's like I have an addiction and get the
DT's when I just can't find the time to make a post. Yet, here I am, sticky and tired due to the weather and work load, 'cos I just couldn't stay away any longer!
Yesterday was new Challenge of the week day over on the
docrafts site, and this week it's the turn of the sketch challenge. Why not have a go? Click
here to see the sketch! Normally I don't get time to make a card with the sketch, but this time I was itching to do a card with the sketch, so here it is.
I've used NEW Papers and cardstock stickers from the Born to Shop Bubbles Range (BTS) from docrafts - I really love the whole range; it's so me darling! And another thing I love are the new decorative scissor range from xcut - my fave being the bell scissors which cut this super cute border to my cardstock and paper! Also Papermania have these gorgeous new embossing folders for use in die cutting machines, there are 10 designs to choose from, and they're an absolute bargain at £2.99!!
I've embellished the card with a couple of flowers from the capsule collection, and some Alphamini foam letters which I ♥ !The glitter scalloped circle and strip are from the BTS cardstock stickers, which come pre-cut - so no fiddly cutting out - winner!
Now onto our Wootton Posse trip to Alton Towers/ Splash Landings. As I've mentioned in a previous post, there was drama afoot, which is usually the case where I'm involved. I remembered the tickets, the hotel reservations, the postcode and sat nav, and the sun cream. It was when we were on the Park that the 'fun' started! First I'll set the scene....

It would be rude not to introduce you to the 'Wootton Posse'! Here we Have Michelle (creator of those gorgeous cupcakes!) with her children; David (the hubby), with Joe in front; And Richard with Sue, with Richard's elder daughter Megs, and then their two younger children. Can you spot who's missing. Yes. Me. Cos I always have to take the photographs. As you can see though, I have left space next to Michelle, just in case I ever have the inclination to superimpose me into the photo. No, it's not a bad case of cropping at all. Definitely not. Look at those two in the background, studying that map like it's a reconnaissance mission - go boys!!!

Joe on arrival at the park, quite evidently nonchalant at the thought of a weekend of fun. What shall I do with him?

Can you believe that someone had been silly enough to joy ride some type of ranshack vehicle into the reception area of Splash Landings, and the staff haven't even had it removed??? And the police have even taken the liberty of clamping it! House Keeping - Stat!

I loved these, what an ingenious and inspiring way to use umbrellas - as light shades. I Don't think David was over impressed however when I mentioned this would look good in our new hallway. And open umbrellas inside? I should have known this spelled O-M-E-N.
This is Ringo, the Splash Landings resident Racoon (don't all hotels have Racoons? - well, maybe in America). Joe in the past hasn't been keen on over sized furry dressed up people, as I found out after a two hour wait to meet Mickey Mouse and friends a couple of years ago - but things look promising for this years trip to Disney World. Yahoo!

Love this crest as you go into THE actual Towers of Alton themselves. Probably not original, as you can probably see the difference in colour from the tower to the lion, but there we are - still impressive stone masonry whenever it was carved! We were waiting to go on the ride 'HEX', a ride that is supposedly haunted, and about a curse that an old beggar woman placed on the Earl of Shropshire who lived at Alton Towers way back when. Are you still with me? LOVE anything like that!
Anyway, now onto the drama, drama, drama! After a lovely day of us all parading around the theme park, we decided that we would split into three separate groups to get on the last rides of the day. Sue and her daughter, Michelle and daughter, and myself and Joe went off to go on one of the fast rides, and a couple of the smaller ones. We went on the Sky ride (cable car to you and me), and once off we started walking to the rides. About a minute later, Sue said "where's Joseph?" - we spun around... and he was no where to be seen.
Now, have you ever had that feeling where you just go white and you can feel panic start to set in, but you know you must be logical and rational? Well, that was me. We immediately all split up and started re-tracing our steps, how could he have gone far - we'd only walked about 50 yards but we just couldn't find him. Only about 90 seconds had passed but we just couldn't find him.
We went to one of the members of staff and as I couldn't speak, Michelle said ' We've lost a child - what's the quickest way of getting him back?" and the man said "To where?" As you can imagine, I was filled with confidence. Then I said - "I've lost my little boy, he's only five". Once he knew what we were on about he quickly stepped into action, and was about to radio it in when a call came over the radio that there was a lost child at visitor services. A girl who was picking up litter very kindly took me up there, and there he was colouring in, eyes all red and bloodshot with crying - bless him!
As it happened, as we retraced our steps, Joe must have been concentrating on the new fan around his neck and continued walking up the hill. When he realised he was lost, a mum came up to him and took him to visitor service, and when he got there - bless his heart, he had remembered that David's and mine phone numbers were in his pocket and said to the woman "Please can you ring my mummy and daddy." I'm
soooo proud of him for that.
Do you know, he was only missing for four minutes or so, but it felt like an eternity. It wasn't his fault, it was mine, and I will try my
darnedest for it to never happen again. So there you are - drama indeed.

And just to put your mind at rest, he we are all reunited. Me, probably with a few more worry lines, and Joe - well I know he does have a peculiar look on his face but he's not traumatised by the ordeal ( I hope!) - I think he was mid blink, as he was jumping all over the place before and after said photograph.
Sorry for waffling - but I think spilling my story has had some sort of cathartic effect for me! I'm off now to get some stuff out of the loft for Ideal World next week - hope it doesn't smell musty!
Thanks for visiting - drop by again soon xx!