Hi All!
Well as you can see, I'm back from Ireland, and back from my fantastic holiday to Walt Disney World in Florida (more about that later)! About 5 pounds fatter but I don't think that's bad for two weeks in the US. I must have perspired (ladies don't sweat) the rest of the poundage off - no lie, it was around 100% humidity every day and like sitting in a oven with the roasting light on. Defnitely hotter this August than 10 years ago in my opinion, but that's global warming for you.
Anyway, I'll do what the title says and move on to my Fantasmigorical Wonderous News! I was going to leave a post dated post to post (ooo lots of posts) whilst I was on holiday, but I've had many a one fail on me, posting too early (Ie straight away or not at all) so I thought I would wait 'till I returned.
Anyhoo, I'm soo pleased to finally be able to let you know that I will now be writing a monthly column for Quick Cards Made Easy! As our friends over the pond would say..."I'm super excited!"
I start with Issue 79, out in just a little while from now on the 14th September. So, have a look and do let me know what you think!
To celebrate I thought I'd leave you with a little card! Who needs an excuse for a card anyways!

Well, that's all for tonight, I'm uncomfortably full after having fish and chips for my tea, and frankly leaving a post here after not doing so for some time has left me exhausted. I will share piccies and stories about WDW another time, as always, drama followed us around!