I've been meaning to get around to doing this for ages, writing in my blog that is...honestly, I have - but what with one thing and another time just passes me by! Take last night for example, after putting Joe to bed, I settled down with a burning laptop on my knee, (I swear it's got hotter since I got a new power cable for it!) planning to edit a couple of photographs I had taken over the weekend, when for some reason I couldn't get my
photoshop to open, I even
uninstalled it and re installed it and the same message came up " Invalid address' or something. So, to cut a long story short ('too late' I hear you shout) I downloaded a free editing suite called '
PhotoScape' and I really like it! It seems quite easy to navigate around, and I can pretty much still do what I did on
Photoshop (I only used a
teensy weensy bit of it!). However, if anyone knows why my
Photoshop isn't playing ball, please let me know (although I suspect the dreaded Windows Vista might have something to do with it!)
So, what have I been up to...well, let me see. I think I'll start from last Thursday as it really isn't viable to start from last year! It was my Birthday on Thursday and it started off as a pretty dismal day, but ended up more positively. David (my hubby) was away in Russia with work, and as it was also my Wedding Anniversary, it was quite sad to be spending it without him. However, for my birthday/ Anniversary present he bought me a beautiful platinum diamond ring, to replace my engagement ring I lost two years ago (well I didn't lose the ring, rather the stone lost me - at a craft show of course! I can just imagine a
crafter finding it on the floor, and taking it home to stick onto a card - goodness - how expensive would that card be!). Sheila was meant to be coming over to spend a couple of days with Joseph and I, but unfortunately she had hurt her back badly, and how did she do it I hear you ask - crafting!!! She was cutting card all day, not turning properly (tut, tut, Mrs
Halliwell!) and the next day and for the following week, she seized up like a rusty old pair of pliers! So, anyway she couldn't come and I was mightily disappointed - I love Sheila so much (as a best friend you understand...nothing more) and I knew had she come it would have been one of the best Birthdays ever (apart from the one that I actually got married on, I suppose), but it wasn't to be. So, I sat around and moped for a while, the postman came and gave me a big cuddle - at the door - that will get some tongues a-wagging around here I can tell you, and then I went out in order to cheer myself up with some retail therapy. Consequently I bought myself a
zoooooom lens (or telephoto lens to you photographic types out there) assistance provided by the lovely
Katy Godbeeer (
ie. I asked her which one to buy and she told me, they don't call her the all knowing one at
Docraft towers for nothing you know!). It's not the best, but the best for what my money could buy. Needless to say I haven't used it yet as the opportunity hasn't arisen, but it
willl, and soon I'm sure. Then I went around to a friends for Fish and Chips and rose wine - a fine combination!
Then, Friday was the local Christmas Fair - and I was to have a stall to raise money for such a wonderful charity -
St. Andrew's Children's Hospice. I had been feverishly busy in the evenings everyday for about a month (and weekends too) trying to get enough cards and gifts together to make a pretty penny for them. I thought I would show you some of what I made (more to come in later posts).

These are some post it note holders I made, and they are so easy to do, that I made 8 altogether I think! I changed the design of each one, but still they were quick, as I did everything in batches. I choose all my colour schemes at the same time, and did all the trimming together etc. I think all together they took me about 4 hours, which I don't think is bad. Just a quick tip: If you're planning on cutting everything at the same time, make sure all your post it notes are the same thickness, it makes it easier as you can just use the same measurements each time then!

Here they are, all bagged up and ready to fly off my table! I simply used a
DL sized card bag and once I had tied ribbon around a rubber band which was fixed to the top, I trimmed the top off the ribbon. They make them look much more
appealing, yet cost pennies and are so quick to do.

And here is a close up of a little tag I made. These were
pre-cut tags, although of course you could die cut or punch your own. I stamped a large flower design with
colorbox cat's eye dune pigment ink, and also inked around the edge with the same colour, then stamped the 'to' and 'from' wording with
merlot ink (probably my most favourite colour!). They were so quick yet so sophisticated, I had to hold myself back from making loads!

This post it note features my free
downloadable papers available
here from the
docrafts website! I
printed them onto white
core'dinations cardstock to give them a gorgeous texture. There is also a little bit of doodlebug glitter card on there (this project is great for using up your leftovers!) and a die cut butterfly. I think I have some photos somewhere of how I made these, so I will post them another night!
Finally, I wanted to share with you this absolutely scrummy photograph of Joseph with his bestest 'gurl'friend! Don't they just look so gorgeous together? It was taken on Sunday at a local garden centre where we went to see Father Christmas.

I wonder whether one day in the future she will be my daughter in law? After all, Joseph says he wants to marry her - although to Joe 'marry' probably just means sharing your chocolate buttons. Oh well, stranger things have happened - you only have to watch Jeremy Kyle to know that!
Oh yeah, and just in case your interested, episode 4 of Creativity! TV is available to watch now for one week! Look
I'd better skid addle,
Love, Clare x