Saturday, 28 February 2009
Blog Candy on offer for another night!
Why don't you join us for the party of the century (well nearly), it starts here!
Love, Clare x
10,000 visits! Whoo Hoo, Time for Blog Candy!
I just came on here this morning to make my usual round of all the blogs I follow when I noticed that my blog had reached 10,000 visits (well, 10,001 to be precise)! Whoo hoo - doing a funny kinda dance! Thanks so much to everyone who keeps coming back for more and more visual punishment. It means so much to know my ramblings aren't falling on deaf ears.
Well, I think that calls for some blog candy, don't you? Nothing like a good excuse.
Included: BG Cupcake Collection Pack ( 18 sheets patterned paper, 1 sheet alphabet stickers and 1 sheet cardstock stickers); BG cupcake Chipboard Stickers; BG cupcake buttons; BG journal block stamps, Doodlebug small chipboard butterfly; Doodlebug sugar coated chipboard in beetle black,; doodlebug Crushed velvet flock in beetle black and bubblegum.
1. Become a follower here on my blog. If you are already a follower you will automatically be entered.
2. Post on your blog that there's blog candy up for grabs here with a link.
3. Leave a comment so I know you have done both.
You have one week from NOW. The blog candy ends on 1.03.09!
Love, Clare x

Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Mojo Monday Sketch Challenge #75- Let's Do Lunch!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009
How Do You Eat yours?

Sunday, 22 February 2009
Just Popping in to Say Thank You

Thank you sooo mch Lisa, it has pride of place on my desk!
love, Clare x
Penny Black Feel better Soon and Friday Sketch Challenge

Saturday, 21 February 2009
Was it Miss Scarlet, in the Drawing Room with the Lead Piping?

Friday, 20 February 2009
And now for a card...

So, So Sad...
I am talking about Jade Goody. Ever since I heard on Sunday that she has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and may only have weeks to live I have been wracked with sadness, not only for her, but for her two beautiful little boys. Now, I know that Jade is not the only person to have ever gone through this, but just seeing her now makes me cry frustrated tears - why? It's such a waste.
people may criticise her for living her life and consequently her final days in the glare of the media, but as she has said herself, she is doing it for the money, but so her boys can have a good start in life. I know money doesn't bring happiness, but she is going what any mother tries every day to do - to try and provide the best for them, and god knows, I would do exactly the same thing.
And now, she has left hospital to be with her family at this time. And there is nothing I can do to help her. And I do feel helpless. This is a perfect illustration of why I'm wholeheartedly supporting the Marie Curie make a Card for Cancer Care Campaign, so that others like Jade can be cared for in their own homes with their families around them.
Lastly, I would just like to say that I wish Jade a wonderful wedding, and the most beautiful of days with her boys. Sorry if I've depressed anyone, but I think I feel better for saying (in my opinion) what needs to be said.
Love, Clare x
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Make a Great Impression!

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Monday, 16 February 2009
I {heart} Louise Jolley and Photoshop!

Just incase you're wondering, Lou is a superstar because she had achieved the impossible - she has managed to save my cards that I ruined with coffee last week! Whoo hoo! And even though it must have taken her ages, she did it with a smile and alot of patience. I love you Lou - you're the best, I really appreciate everything you do!
Today, I have been out and bought a new webcam so I can start skyping Sheila again - my webcam kept crashing my computer, and some new headphones to replace the ones I smashed when I thought the bath was running over last week.

Finally, here is a card I didn't get around to posting last week, I made it with my The Greeting Farm Pretty Hat stamp set. She is just the cutest and was a pleasure to colour and work with. I also love the font used for the greeting - gorgeous! I used a sketch challenge from Mojo Monday (week 72), but didn't enter it 'cos I'm not organised enough. The pink paper is an gorgeous old Doodlebug paper, and the flowers are cut from a lush BasicGrey paper. I coloured in anya with my promarkers Love'em!
That's all for now - see ya later!
Love, Clare x

Tuesday, 10 February 2009
I can't 'bear' to be without you!

Thursday, 5 February 2009
as the video says, it;'s so easy to help and make a difference. Buy the stamp set and send in a few A6 sized cards, that's all there is too it.
You can rate the video on the do crafts website to let us know how we're doing too! Now I'll shut up and let the video do the talking - enjoy!
Love, Clare x
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Have You Ever Had One of Those Days...

Monday, 2 February 2009
Snicky, Snacky Snoo!

Sunday, 1 February 2009
Boo Hiss!
After our hotel stay (where I sufficiently embarassed David by asking the waiters to sing Happy Birthday whilst bringing out a "chocolate orange" cake), we popped to Comet to pur-chase an external Hard Drive for my laptop. David quite rightly was getting a bit worried that I hadn't backed up my memory and if something corrupted my memory, precious pictures and documents would be lost forever. My question is, do you need to back up the back up, and how long could this quandry carry on for?
So, with hard drive safely tucked under arm, we travelled the 15 miles home only to find that the USB cable and instructions were missing. They had displayed an empty box, and obviously only filled the box with the hard drive and power cable. I wasn't very happy, especially when I tired to phone them and found that the only number availabe was a central number, with no chance of being able to get through to the store. So, I travelled the 30 mile round trip, just to collect a USB cable and instruction book. It has definitely taught me a lesson, I will always check all components are included before setting off home next time!
Tonight therefore I will be saving all my documents etc to the hard drive, what fun!
Back tomorrow with a project.
Love, Clare x