I haven't been on here for a while, and I have no excuse other than I've been very busy. I usually wish and wish that I could post on here more, but it always seem to end up at the bottom of my list of priorities, under 'sleep' and so usually I never get around to it, such my need and drive for sleep!
Anyhoo, at the moment I'm in the process of stocking taking my online craft shop Clare Curd Crafts, which is closed at the moment, and that's involved finding loads of things that hadn't even made it onto the website. So I'm in the process of uploading those as well as sourcing new products from overseas, and also revamping the look of the online shop too! A change is as good as a rest so they say! I do hope you'll pop along to have a look when it re-opens with a brand new look, I don't exactly know when this will be as it's just little old me having to do everything (and I'm no IT whizz), but if you sign up for our newsletter I'm sure to send one out a few days before we re-open. And you don't want to miss out on 30% off everything in store for a limited time do you?!

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