Well, I haven't much to write, or rather I should say I don't feel up to writing that much tonight, but I thought I should as I haven't made an entry for ages (ooh-er!). Following a week on the road with DO, I arrived home on Saturday afternoon still feeling dreadful after I came down with shivers, fever and the worst headache which started on Thursday night. Even my eyeballs ached, have you ever had that? I still don't feel very well, and I'm trying to rest up as much as possible before I travel to Edinburgh on Tuesday (Hope I can find my train tickets). I'm sat in bed typing this, how indulgent!
I have been snapping away with my new camera with the fantastic help of Kirsty. I must say, she is very patient, and it's a good job. I also bought a new lens with her help, but you'll have to wait until I've seen her again on Wednesday to ask her what it is. I'm so clueless when it comes to these things. I went out today with Joseph, and took lots of photo's (none of which I would say are anywhere near to Kirsty's worst attempts), but for some reason, even after loading the camera software, I cannot get my computer to reognise the camera. I've uploaded some software from the internet, but can't try it yet, as my camera's battery is charging!!!
With this in mind, here's a card that I created for my pages in the Do Crafts Creativity! magazine. I made it with my Dad's birthday in mind. I really love this stamp, and the papers are gorgeous! I hope you like it.

Materials used: Stamps: Papermania Men's Collection; Papers: PapermaniaFor Him, Papermania neutral vellums, Cardstock: Papermania sunset yellows, black, latte square card blank; Miscellaneous: Papermania brads, ribbon, wire, Anita's outline text stickers, Ink it up! Inks in orange and yellow,Whispers ink in black, cosmetic sponges .
So no exciting photo's from the roadshows to share with you, and feeling ropey. Life doesn't get much better. I promise that I will fill you in on the whole of last week including photo's galore when I get back from Edinburgh. In the meantime, Kiiiiirrrrssssttttty!!!!