Hi there, I hope you are having a great day so far!
I went and had me hair done yesterday, and for a change I chose a new colour - instead of the vibrant red highlights I usually have, I've gone for a coppery red, and very pleased I am with it too! I must say though, I went to bed early last night with the mother of all headaches, I always seem to get them after a long visit to the hairdressers - I think my head doesn't like being touched for that long!
I thought I would tell you about my weekend at the
Glitter Pot in Sussex! They were having a demo weekend a couple of weekends ago and I was asked to demo on behalf of docrafts - a chance to visit an amazing shop in the glorious Sussex countryside? How could I refuse? Well, I couldn't. So I didn't.

Here I am at the beginning of the second day of the weekend, practically chomping at the bit to get started demoing all the gorgeous products, such as the utterly stunning Henbury Lane Collection. And here you can see these scrumptious snippets of lusciousness patiently waiting to be taken home by a loving crafter to be used in abandoned craftiness (oh no, I've been sniffing the silicone glue again - not- just in case you think I'm being serious!).

Now, I'm still looking as happy as ever even at the end of the weekend. Why??? Because I get to shop!!! Look at that cute Glitter Pot bag filled with aforementioned scrumptious snippets of gorgeousness. I'm still chomping at the bit to get crafting!!! Look, my expression practically screams 'Chomp'!

Now, this is a lovely photo of two of the nicest crafting celebrities in the industry. Julie Hickey and Paula Pascual - yes, THE Julie Hickey and THE Paula Pascual!!! Please, don't think I'm being facetious - I'm completely serious. Julie has been my inspiration and one of the designers I most admired when I first started crafting. I remember when I first got to meet her as a visitor to the Hobbycrafts exhibition to the NEC in Birmingham back in 2005. I approached her as soon as the show started with sweaty hands and a dry mouth in the hope that she would sign my book that I had eagerly packed that morning, ready for this moment. She was so lovely, although she did look a bit scared when I wouldn't let go of her hand (again, I jest). A genuinely lovely lady. and now for Paula, the uber talented Spanish Bonita. She is the bee's knees, I love her style, her company, her photography skills (see my blog picture - thanks honey!) and most of all her. I'm so grateful and honored to now calls these people my friends.

Well, after a seven and a half hour journey from home to the Glitter Pot, then two days of demos, what better way to spend Sunday evening than on the car park that is the M25. Arrrrggghhh!

I seriously had enough time to get out of my car, go for a three course Maccy D's (complete with McFlurry of course - Oreo, not Crunchie you understand), walk back, have a chat with other stranded car travellers then get back in my car. I didn't of course. Instead, after about half an hour of not moving ANYWHERE (as you can see from the picture above, I'm actually still on the slip road onto the motorway), I cracked out my camera and started a-snapping. People were looking at me like I'd lost the plot. And I think I had.
I took this photo 'cos I love clouds. Oh, and because I was more bored than I ever thought possible. What I would have done for a telly and a good episode of 'Most Haunted'.

Then I took this photo and started laughing at myself. Yes I think I had really lost it at this point. About an hour and a half after this ( count it - two hours, not moving anywhere) the traffic slowly started moving, thankfully replacing my sanity to it's usual state. See, I don't use the word Normal. I set home on my journey at 4.45pm and climbed in to bed at 11.45pm. Oh the joys of car travel.

See you tomorrow. Thanks for visiting - and have a great day xx