(BTW, this is posted in retrospect ‘cos I’m not paying 75 pence a minute to get on t’
internet at the hotel)
Monday 19th January. I arrived at the hotel at about 1.30pm, and very nice it is too. Dressing gowns, fluffy slippers, luxury toiletries and everything. Even a coffee percolator and this impresses me a lot seeing as it flows through my veins. No milk though, just coffee whitener, and only three sachets. Stingy. Wish I’d brought my camera so I could show you, but
couldn’t fit another thing into my fit-to-burst case.
Funny thing was, I checked in and went up to my room with turquoise case and A1 portfolio carrier, and sat on the sofa, jumped on the bed and generally made use of my room, then about an hour and a half later, I left the hotel again with case and portfolio carrier(Now slightly lighter as I’d unpacked my clothes and such), and I think the doorman was a tad confused. He said “but you’
ve only just arrived”. When I explained I was going to work, he said “Goodness, you take a lot of work home with you!” Ha ha ha!
Got to
QVC about 3pm as I was having a rehearsal for the
TSV (which now of course I can tell you was the Ultimate trimmer from Purple Cows) and who was the presenter – only Charlie Brook! I was a little surprised to see him, and I’d only just seen him on t’telly down in reception, but that’s the magic of television I suppose. I had done my very first appearance with him back in September, and it brings back great memories. Especially when he said that the sparkling trims reminded him of lingerie, and I said “Ooh Charlie, you dark horse!!” It was funny at the time. I suppose you had to be there.
After the rehearsal I got a taxi back to the hotel (there
isn’t a tube station near
QVC, can you believe it?) and that’s when the fun started. The taxi driver (not a black cab) said do you know where the hotel is, and he TUTTED when I said no. Did I know a street – no, another tut. Now, maybe I should have known a street name, but come on, I am a visitor in a strange city, and I would have thought taxi drivers would know the hotels. Glad I checked he was a licenced taxi driver, as I would have been down to my knuckles with worry at this point. Then, get this, he rings someone and starts asking him if he knows where it is, WHILST DRIVING. All I can think is “
OMG, I hope they can find someone at short notice to do the
TSV, ‘cos I’m going to be on ICU at this rate”. Then, praise the Lord, I find a postcode. Not good, as then he starts to put it in the postcode WHILST DRIVING! Then he says the postcode is from the south of the Thames (where we’
ve just come from), even though I knew that the hotel was on the North Bank. He kept saying, are you sure, and all I could think was “Yes, or maybe I imagined going over that bl***y bridge. Eventually he found it, and I parted with £10 for the privilege of getting lost, being tutted at, questioned and scared out of my wits. Believe me when I tell you, he
didn’t get a tip.
So, I’
ve had a bath, and am now sat in the aforementioned dressing gown and fluffy slippers, awaiting my moment in front of the firing squad…I mean cameras. I feel like a part of me is missing, not having Sheila with me. Just a Billy No Mates, I’
ve even been talking to the telly. Need to get a grip. That’s why I’m talking to you.
So, better get my moisturiser and slap on for the grand unveiling. Hope my fishnet body stocking won’t strobe on telly (only joking,
wouldn’t do that to the viewing pubic).
Funny thing to add about the midnight presentation of the TSV: Did anyone spot the look of sheer horror on my face when Sara (the presenter) started rpping off the perforated bits of the samples! I was mortified - I only had a few! Funny now, but not then.
Tuesday 20th January
Got back to the hotel last night about 2 15 am, and although I was yawning like a good ‘
un in the taxi I knew I would have trouble getting to sleep. And I did. Ended up watching Jeremy Kyle, that’s how bad it got. Eventually went to sleep at about 3.15am, and then before I knew it my alarm was bleeping me into consciousness.
Arriving at
QVC 7.15am is not my idea of glamour. And coupled with the fact that I had left my make up at the studios I
didn’t look all that glamorous either! I just had to make sure I had my face on before I met Simon
Biagi. I had been looking forward to meeting him, not least to ask him about his paranormal experiences from a show he used to present. Also I wanted to find out for sure the name of the show that he used to present about doing up a room in a house. I bet he was looking forward to the grilling!!
So, slap in place and a smile on my face (ooh that rhymes!) I met Simon and the programme was called 'Real Rooms'. Do you remember it? Apparently he did 350 shows before he hung up his golden
Stanley knife. The show seemed to go very smoothly with him as presenter, he lets you say what you have to say and listens too. I'm really looking forward to working with him again (wink, wink) although I think he finds the prospect a little scary.
All the other
TSV slots went well throughout the day, although I was getting more weary throughout the day and my left eye was driving me batty as it kept watering.
When Dawn finished her show at 9pm we all went back to the hotel and had a well earned drink and something to eat. Dawn and
JJ very kindly treated me to a 'Strawberry bubble' concocted from
Champagne and strawberry. Very Yummy!
I fell into bed at midnight, as the next day Leonie and I were going to have a couple of hours at the V & A
museum before she had to go and prep for Dawns show that day. We had a gorgeous stroll through London to the
museum and a good old mooch around the textiles, sculpture and and iron work. Very inspiring! That girl is
sooo funny too! I had a great time.
I got home at about 7.30 pm, but nearly missed my stop on the train as I fell asleep, and
only just woke up in time! What a great end to the day that would have been!
Love, Clare x